The greedy woodcutter story

The greedy Woodcutter Story. There lived a woodcutter named Uttamlal in Vohanpur village. To earn his living, he used to collect wood every day from the forest near the village and earn some money by selling it. By this  he was making his living. After a few days, Uttamlal got married. His wife was a big … Read more

The Victory Of Intelligence

The Victory Of Intelligence: A wrestling in shape became prepared in a village. Great wrestlers had come from all of the remote villages. All the wrestlers have been disqualified. Among the gang of wrestlers, Kalu wrestler became the maximum powerful, who has now no longer misplaced a unmarried wrestling in shape until date. The wrestling … Read more

Greed for Cash

ravenousness for cash An extremely unfortunate man who was not aware of greed is not good used to gather leafy foods from the timberland day to day to help his family and sell them in the town. A bear used to live in a similar woods from which the man used to take natural products. … Read more